Legal Notice


The site is the exclusive property of Niki Pholie, who publishes it.


Niki pholie

Phone :
+32 475 59 45 29
+32 475 34 39 22

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Privacy and Cookies

Processing of your personal data

If you provide us with your personal data, for example, when registering for one of our newsletters, we will only use it for this sole purpose and will never communicate it to a third party.

You can, on request via the contact form, request the deletion of all your personal data.

Niki Pholie will process the Data in accordance with the Belgian law of 8 December 1992 on the protection of privacy.

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By providing us with personal data, you consent to our processing this information for the purposes indicated.


We carefully control the content of links to external sites. However, we decline all responsibility for these contents or for technical damage caused by these links, responsibility which is entirely the responsibility of the operators of these external sites.

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d'oeuvres d'art

À la fois un mélange d’art contemporain, d’objets polis par le temps et de passion, venez découvrir des œuvres sélectionnées avec cœur par NIKI PHOLIE.